Merry Christmas and Happy New Year to you guys! I know I've been here for around a month, but man... I didn't think I'd love this site so friggen much. I honestly thought I'd either get ignored, talked down to, or have my self esteem damaged.
Then you guys go and be the best dang people I never knew could exist on the internet!
Honestly, it's really hard to put my newfound love into words, but thank you. Thank you for actually becoming a home. I never thought I'd call this site home. Glad I am though. 😁😊
I hope the new year brings all of you nothing but the best! And I also hope to keep contributing to this amazing site!
If ya ever wanna collab, my DMs are always open. And so is my discord if ya got that lol.
Stay safe and keep being frick frack funking great people!
-- Phantom 😉