Just some updates. This is a long post then what I normally do, so just fair warning!
Still reading? Okay, but I warned you lol
1. So.... I posted a more or less "joke movie poster" yesterday advertising an Eddsworld fan movie called "Eddsworld: Darkside"
Well, my brain ran last night and today with ideas to make E.D. (hehe) a real "fan movie". Literally I have a doc full of random ideas I jotted down.
So now it kinda feels like my brain wants to actually do this movie. Honestly... I am kinda wanting to do it. I mean... The last fan movie the Eddsworld community was promised was retired for reason I don't exactly know but respect. So I feel like the community deserves its fan movie.
So yeah, currently, I am trying to write a script(ish) for this fan movie. All I have is notes right now, and the plot has already changed from my original idea lol.
I just thought I'd let you all know.
2. Sonic Glitch, right now, does NOT need more musicians. We already have three currently, and two basically on a "wait list". What we need, however, are programmers. Well, more for sprites, but yeah, programmers.
3. The new web-cartoon I wanna do. I've got three episodes done and am working on a fourth. Can someone please help me with this project? I would really like to see at least the first episode be real. I honestly don't care if you stay for one episode or one season, I would just really appreciate help!
4. Please do not ask me to animate or make music for you right now. I know that's a weird thing to say, and I know I'm doing that for other people, who this part doesn't apply to. I just find it really stressful. I already have other work, other projects, and a crazy life. Plus, I have very little experience. Not to say that I will turn you down if you ask later down the line, I just can't right now... Sorry.
5. Thank you for being generally awesome people. Most of the interaction I've had here was generally positive. Even if it wasn't, I understood why. You guys are helping me grow and helping me do things I only ever dreamed of as a little ghost. Just... Thank you all so much.
Alright, I'll let you guys go now. Sorry about the long post haha